Saturday 15 April 2017

Article Series - Support through Sharing - interview with Tina

By Amanda-Jane Turner, Chief Editor & National Blog Manager of the official AWSN Blog

The official blog of the Australian Women in Security Network (AWSN) is running a series of interview articles with the theme of Support through Sharing. The intent of these articles is to share the human experience with others to inspire, motivate and encourage readers via a brief glimpse into the life of others. Some interviews may include experiences you can relate to, or learn from, other articles may amuse you, but hopefully all the interviews will provide you with valuable encouragement and inspiration. This article series feature interviews with a diverse range of people who have willingly participated in the process to inspire others. 

This article in our series 'Support Through Sharing' interviews a lady from Perth Western Australia who has worked in the ICT industry for over twenty years, has a BSc(computing) degree and is currently studying a diploma in counselling while working. Inspirational! 

An interview with Perth, WA, ICT Professional – Tina

Harley Davidson aficionado and infosec professional, Tina, grew up in the UK and now hails from Perth Western Australia. She has worked in the Information Communications Technology (ICT) industry for over twenty years and currently works as a business systems manager for a state government department.

Tina has seen a lot of change in the ICT industry over the years and reminisced that at the time she completed her Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) degree  she was one of only three females in an enrollment of two hundred and at the end of first year she was the only female left! She added that this is changing and she is happy to see the increase of women in tech roles over the years. Tina advises all in ICT careers to stay motivated and work in an area that has a great culture and exciting projects. Happily never suffering from discrimination in the industry herself.she shared how she has had the privilege to work with some great male peers who foster a supportive work culture and camaraderie.

Tina - photo supplied

When asked if she would share some challenges she has had in life Tina cheerfully shared two, both of which she has succeeded in: completing her degree while simultaneously raising her family and working and, learning to ride a Harley Davidson when she had never ridden a motor bike before! On the subject of her first degree, Tina mused:

It was challenging to complete my degree with raising a young family and working all at the same time. I knew I had to complete it as “Computers were going to take over the world”, and they nearly have!

Actively involved in volunteering and her community, Tina is studying a Diploma in Counselling as she is passionate about helping others and fears that not everyone has access to the help they need.
Thank you to Tina for giving her time to participate in this interview.

(c) AWSN 2017

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any agency, organisation or association.

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